Counter Strike: Condition Zero

Counter Strike: Condition Zero, adalah campaign version untuk Counter-Strike, permainan First Person Shooter dari Valve Software sebagai pengganti dari Counter-Strike untuk para gamer yang tidak memiliki koneksi internet.

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Camera360 Ultimate v2.3.0

Camera360: Art in Your Hand. The most famous and perfect camera app helps your photo more amazing, funny and interesting. * Effect like LOMO, Retro Effect, Dreamlike Effect, Art of Black and White, Back to 1839 and Night Enhancement will make your photo more beautiful. * The amazing HDR effect is even better than iPhone HDR. * Unique Funny Mode: Effects like Surrealistic B&W Paining, Vertical/Horizontal Left Symmetry, Vertical/ Horizontal Right Symmetry, Ghost are available. * Unique Scenery Mode: It takes the interesting composite photos, you can choose whether be in a movie poster, an art painting, a outdoor advertisement, or among the...

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


Synthesia is a game that can help you learn how to play the piano using falling notes.If you're looking for a project that was called "Piano Hero", you found it. For those wondering where it went, I received a cease and desist letter from Activision requesting the name be changed. The cease and desist page has all the details. I held a name contest to decide the new name. Daniel Lawrence from suggested Synthesia and won. Thanks again Daniel! The project used to be donation run (you guys rock!) but since I started selling Learning Pack keys, that has tapered off. You can still check out the hall of fame at the old donors page though. The...

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Applian FLV Player

Looking for an easy way to play FLV (Flash Video) files downloaded from YouTube and other video sites? Get the free Applian FLV Player. It's easy to use, and you can view videos at 1x, 2x or even full screen. Download this fully functional software for FREE now!  FLV Player feature summary: Play FLV files on any Windows PC. Double-click files in File Explorer to play them automatically. Zoom 50% - 100% - 200% and full screen. Double click video view-port to toggle full screen. Drag-and-drop multiple files. Play URL's, Streams and Local Files. Remember position on screen at next launch. Remember...

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Radang Payudara Kini Gerogoti Melinda Dee

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Tersangka kasus pembobol rekening nasabah Citibank, Melinda Dee, kini harus menghuni Rumah Sakit Polri, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur akibat menderita radang payudara.Malinda dirawat sejak Kamis (25/5/2011) karena memerlukan perawatan khusus.Melinda mendapat perawatan intensif dari dokter spesialis bedah plastik dan psikiater untuk penanganan lebih lanjut. Sebab, Melinda mengalami tekanan darah dan demam akibat dugaan peradangan di payudara.Melinda, yang juga mantan Senior Relations Manager Citibank Jakarta itu diduga telah membobol tiga rekening nasabah Citibank sebesar Rp 17 miliar.Melinda dijerat dengan Undang-Undang...

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